The effect of climate change on the insecticide reduction goal in Southern Germany using the example of the pollen beetle | Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection | 2025 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Rasche, L., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
Managing scarce water and land resources: The potentials of cowpea production in Namibia | Environmental Development | 2025 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Jeong, J., Jantke, K., Rasche, L., Eschenbach, A., Uchezuba, D., ReinholdHurek, B., Schneider, U.A. |
Effect of irrigation canal conveyance efficiency enhancement on crop productivity under climate change in Nepal | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2024 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Basukala, A. K., Eschenbach, A., Rasche, L. |
Dark clouds building up over trees? A simulation-based assessment of smallholder acacia investment in Ethiopia | Proceedings 32nd ICAE Conference | 2024 | Konferenzbeitrag | Yismaw, H., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
Smallholder adaptation through agroforestry: Agent-based simulation of climate variability in Ethiopia | Proceedings 8th bwHPC Symposium | 2024 | Konferenzbeitrag | Yismaw, H., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
Hybrid intelligence for reconciling biodiversity and productivity in agriculture | Nature Food | 2024 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Berger, T., Gimpel, H., Stein, A., Troost, C., Asseng, S., Bichler, M., Bieling, C., Birner, R., Grass, I., Kollmann, J., Leonhardt, S. D., Schurr, F. M., Weisser, W. |
Pesticide risk assessment in European agriculture: Distribution patterns, ban-substitution effects and regulatory implications | Environmental Pollution | 2024 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Gensch, L., Jantke, K., Rasche, L., Schneider, U. A. |
Towards reusable building blocks for agent-based modelling and theory development. | Environmental Modelling & Software | 2024 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Berger, U., Bell, A., Barton, C.M., Chappin, E., Dreßler, G., Filatova, T., Fronville, T., Lee, A., van Loon, E., Lorscheid, I., Meyer, M., Müller, B., Piou, C., Radchuk, V., Roxburgh, N., Schüler, L., Troost, C., Wijermans, N., Williams, T.G., Wimmler, M.-C., Grimm, V. |
Inferring multiple coffee flowerings in Central America using farmer data in a probabilistic model. | Ecological Informatics | 2023 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Lara-Estrada, L., Sucar, L. E., Rasche, L. |
Landwirtschaftliche Ertragsvorhersage im Kontext begrenzter realer Trainingsdatensätze: ein Transfer-Learning-Ansatz unter Verwendung tiefer neuronaler Netze. | Lecture Notes in Informatics | 2023 | Konferenzbeitrag | Münzberg, A., Troost, C., Reinosch, N., Martini, D., Seuring, L., Niehus, A., Srivastava, R., Streck, T., Berger, T., Bernardi, A. |
Exploring the cooling effect of shading for climate change adaptation in coffee areas. | Climate Risk Management | 2023 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Lara-Estrada, L., Rasche, L. & U. A. Schneider |
Combined effects of climate change and agricultural intensification on soil erosion in uphill shifting cultivation in Northeast India. | Land Degradation & Development | 2023 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schröder, L., Rasche, L., Jantke, K., Mishra, G., Lange, S., Eschenbach, A. & U. A. Schneider |
SIMLEARN – Ontologiegestützte Integration von Simulationsmodellen, Systemen für maschinelles Lernen und Planungsdaten. | Lecture Notes in Informatics | 2023 | Konferenzbeitrag | Reinosch, N., Münzberg, A., Martini, D., Niehus, A., Seuring, L., Troost, C., Kumar Srivastava, R., Berger, T., Streck, T., Bernardi, A. |
The financial value of seasonal forecast-based cultivar choice: Assessing the evidence in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. | Climate Risk Management | 2023 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Kayamo, S.E., Troost, C., Yismaw, H., Berger, T. |
The road to integrate climate change projections with regional land-use-biodiversity models. | People and Nature | 2023 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Sarmento Cabral, J., Mendoza-Ponce, ... Berger, T., ... |
How to Keep it Adequate: A Protocol for Ensuring Validity in Agent-Based Simulation. | Environmental Modelling & Software | 2023 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Troost, C., Huber, R., Bell, A.R., van Delden, H., Filatova, T., Le, Q.B., Lippe, M., Niamir, L., Polhill, J.G., Sun, Z., Berger, T. |
Using Transfer Learning for Quality Improved Forecasting of Temporal Agricultural Processes by Adapting Convolutional Neural Networks. | Lecture Notes in Informatics | 2022 | Konferenzbeitrag | Münzberg, A., Troost, C., Bernardi, A. |
Coupled biophysical and decision-making processes in grassland systems in East African savannahs – A modelling framework. | Ecological Modelling | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Marohn, C., Troost, C., Warth, B., Bateki, C., Zijlstra, M., Anwar, F., Williams, B., Descheemaeker, K., Berger, T., Asch, F., Dickhoefer, U., Birner, R., Cadisch, G. |
Boosting the Scalability of Farm-Level Models: Efficient Surrogate Modeling of Compositional Simulation Output.
| Computational Economics | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Troost, C., Parussis-Krech, J. Mejaíl, M., Berger, T. |
Noah-MP with the generic crop growth model Gecros in the WRF model: Effects of dynamic crop growth on land-atmosphere interaction. | Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Warrach-Sagi, K., Ingwersen, J., Schwitalla, T., Troost, C., Aurbacher, J., Jach, L., Berger, T., Streck, T., Wulfmeyer, V. |
Machine Learning on Simulated and Real Farm Data Based on an Ontology-Controlled Data Infrastructure. | Proceedings AAAI Spring Symposium on Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering for Hybrid Intelligence | 2022 | Konferenzbeitrag | Münzberg, A., Troost, C., Martini, D., Mendoza, F., Srivastava, R., Berger, T., Seuring, L., Reinosch, N., Streck, T., Bernardi, A. |
Multi-site, multi-crop measurements in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum: a comprehensive dataset from two climatically contrasting regions in southwestern Germany for the period 2009-2018 | Earth System Science Data | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Weber, T. K. D., Ingwersen, J., Högy, P., Poyda, A., Wizemann, H.-D., Demyan, M. S., Bohm, K., Eshonkulov, R., Gayler, S., Kremer, P., Laub, M., Funkiun Nkwain, Y., Troost, C., Witte, I., Reichenau, T., Berger, T., Cadisch, G., Müller, T., Fangmeier, A., Wulfmeyer, V., Streck, T. |
How eco-efficient are crop farms in the Southern Amazon region? Insights from combining agent-based simulations with robust order-m eco-efficiency estimation | Science of The Total Environment | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Carauta, M., Grovermann, C., Heidenreich, A., Berger, T. |
Bridging the gap between models and users: A lightweight mobile interface for optimized farming decisions in interactive modeling sessions
| Agricultural Systems | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Mössinger, J., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
Acrocomia spp.: neglected crop, ballyhooed multipurpose palm or fit for the bioeconomy? A review | Agronomy for Sustainable Development | 2021 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Vargas‑Carpintero, R., Hilger, T., Mössinger, J., Fraga Souza, R., Barroso Armas, J. C., Tiede, K., Lewandowski, I. |
Climate-related land use policies in Brazil: How much has been achieved with economic incentives in agriculture? | Land Use Policy | 2021 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Carauta, M. , Troost, C., Guzman-Bustamante, I., Hampf, A., Libera, A., Meurer, K., Bönecke, E., Franko, U., Aragão Ribeiro Rodrigues, R., Berger, T. |
How Bayesian are farmers when making climate adaption decisions? A computer laboratory experiment for parameterising models of expectation formation. | Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2021 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Eisele, M., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
No more double cropping in Mato Grosso, Brazil? Evaluating the potential impact of climate change on the profitability of farm systems | Agricultural Systems | 2021 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Carauta, M., Parussis, J., Hampf, A., Libera, A., Berger, T. |
Combining Machine Learning and Simulation Modelling for Better Predictions of Crop Yield and Farmer Income. | Proceedings 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | Berger, T., Bernardi, A., Martini, D., Münzberg, A., Parussis, J., Streck, T., Troost, C. |
Digital Support for Farm Investment Decisions: Climate Change and Economies of Size in Farm Mechanisation. | Proceedings 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | Mendoza Tijerino, F., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
Formalising validation? Towards criteria for valid conclusions from agent-based simulation. | Proceedings 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | Troost, C., Berger, T. |
The Bioeconomic Modelling System MPMAS-XN: Simulating Short and Long-term Feedback Between Climate, Crop growth, Crop Management and Farm Management. | Proceedings 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | Troost, C., Duan, X., Gayler, S., Heinlein, F., Klein, C., Aurbacher, J., Demyan, M. S., Högy, P., Laub, M., Ingwersen, J., Kremer, P., Mendoza Tijerino, F., Otto, L. H., Poyda, A., Warrach-Sagi, K., Weber, T. K. D., Priesack, E., Streck, T., Berger, T. |
Landscape-scale interactions between pastures, crops, trees and cattle in savanna grassland systems | Proceedings 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | Marohn, C., Warth, B., Troost, C., Bateki, C., Dickhöfer, U., Berger, T., Asch, F., Birner, R., Cadisch, G. |
Agri-food chain establishment as a means to increase sustainability in food systems: Lessons from sunflower in Brazil. | Sustainability | 2018 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Sousa, L. O. d., Dias Paes Ferreira, M., Mergenthaler, M. |
The biophysical and socio-economic dimension of yield gaps in the southern Amazon – A bio-economic modelling approach | Agricultural Systems | 2018 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Hampf, A., Carauta, M., Latynskiy, E., Libera, A.A.D., Monteiro, L., Sentelhas, P., Troost, C., Berger, T., Nendel, C. |
Representation of decision-making in European agricultural agent-based models. | Agricultural Systems | 2018 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Huber, R., Bakker, M., Balmann, A., Berger, T., Bithell, M., Brown, C., Grêt-Regamey, A., Xiong, H., Le, Q. B., Mack, G., Meyfroidt, P., Millington, J., Müller, B., Polhill, J. G., Sun, Z., Seidl, R., Troost, C., Finger, R. |
A model-based assessment of the environmental impact of land-use change across scales in Southern Amazonia. | Regional Environmental Change | 2018 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schaldach, R., Meurer, K., Jungkunst, H., Nendel, C., Hampf, A., Parker, P., Sentelhas, P., Lakes, T., Gollnow, F., Göpel, J., Boy, J., Guggenberger, G., Strey, R., Strey, S., Latynskiy, E., Berger, T., Schindewolf, M., Schönenberger, R., Böhner, J., Gerold, G. |
Impacts of climate variability and food price volatility on household income and food security of farm households in East and West Africa | Agricultural Systems | 2018 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Wossen, T., Berger, T., Haile, M., Troost, C. |
Can preferential credit programs speed up the adoption of low-carbon agricultural systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil? Results from bioeconomic microsimulation
| Regional Environmental Change | 2018 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Carauta, M., Latynskiy, E., Mössinger, J., Gil, J., Libera, A. A. D., Hampf, A., Monteiro, L., Siebold, M., Berger, T. |
‘Smart’ policies to reduce pesticide use and avoid income trade-offs: An agent-based model applied to Thai agriculture | Ecological Economics | 2017 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Grovermann, C., Schreinemachers, P., Riwthong, S., Berger, T. |
Agricultural commercialization: Risk perceptions, risk management and the role of pesticides in Thailand | Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences | 2017 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Riwthong, S., Schreinemachers, P., Grovermann, C., Berger, T., |
Assessing the Income Effects of Group Certification for Smallholder Coffee Farmers: Agent-based Simulation in Uganda | Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2017 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Latynskiy, E., Berger, T. |
Can smallholder farmers adapt to climate variability, and how effective are policy interventions? Agent-based simulation results for Ethiopia | Agricultural Economics | 2017 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Berger, T., Troost, C., Wossen, T., Latynskiy, E., Tesfaye, K., Gbegbelegbe, S. |
On-Farm Trade-Offs for optimal agricultural practices in Mato Grosso, Brasil
| Revista de Economia e Agronegócio | 2017 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Carauta, M., Dalla Libera, A. A., Hampf, A., Chen, R. F. F., da Silveira, J. M., Berger, T. |
A Pathway Forwards for the Social Capital Metapho | Review of Social Economy | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | McClain, W. |
Advances in probabilistic and parallel agent‐based simulation: Modelling climate change adaptation in agriculture | Proceedings 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | Troost, C., Berger, T., |
Combating deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Options for national and global governance | International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Carauta, M. |
Coupling Biophysical and Socioeconomic Models: Assessing the Consequences of Conservation Policies on Smallholder Livelihoods in the Atlantic Rainforest (Brazil) | Proceedings 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | Munari, L., Troost, C., Marohn, C., Adams, C., Ribeiro‐Filho, A., Cadisch, G., Berger, T., |
Determinants of crop-livestock integration in Brazil: Evidence from the household and regional levels | Land Use Policy | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Gil, J. D. B., Garrett, R., Berger, T. |
Evaluation of forest restoration costs in degraded areas and Legal Reserves in Sinop, Brazil | | 2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | Carauta, K., Carauta, M., Isernhagen, I., Dalfovo, W. |
Experimental measurement of stakeholder expectation formation and risk taking behavior for integrated regional agricultural land use modeling | Proceedings 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | Eisele, M., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
German Farmers' Perception of Climate Change Effects and Determinants influencing their Climate Awareness | Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues | 2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | Jänecke, A., Eisele, M., Reinmuth, E., Steinbach, J., Aurbacher, J. |
Increasing forest utilization within Bhutan's forest conservation framework: The economic benefits of charcoal production | Forest Policy and Economics | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Feuerbacher, A., Siebold, M., Chhetri, A., Lippert, Chr., Sander, K. |
Integrated assessment of novel two-season production systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil | Proceedings 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | Carauta, M., Libera, A. A. D., Latynskiy, E., Hampf, A., Silveira, J. M. F. J., Berger, T. |
Mikrosimulation landwirtschaftlicher Produktion auf der Schwäbischen Alb - Klimaanpassungsforschung mit detaillierten Daten aus der Agrarstatistik | Wirtschaft und Statistik | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Troost, C. |
Networks of Rural Producer Organizations in Uganda: What Can be Done to Make Them Work Better? | World Development | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Latynskiy, E., Berger, T. |
Non-hazardous pesticide concentrations in surface waters: An integrated approach simulating application thresholds and resulting farm income effects | Journal of Environmental Management | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Bannwarth, M. A., Grovermann, C., Ingwersen, J., Lamers, M. Berger, T., Streck, T. |
On-Farm trade-offs for optimal agricultural practices in Mato Grosso, Brazil | 54° Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural | 2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | Carauta, M., Libera, A. A. D., Chen, R. F. F., Hampf, A., Dantas, I. R. M., Silveira, J. M. F. J., Berger, T. |
Patterns and processes of pasture to crop conversion in Brazil: Evidence from Mato Grosso State | Land Use Policy | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Cohn, A. S., Gil, J., Berger, T., Pellegrina, H., Toledo, C. |
Simulating structural change in agriculture: Modelling farming households and farm succession | Proceedings 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2016 | Konferenzbeitrag | Troost, C., Berger, T., |
Why should farmers in Brazil change to Integrated Agricultural Production Systems? | International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Dantas, I. R. M., Carauta, M. |
You are not alone: social capital and risk exposure in rural Ethiopia | Food Security | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Wossen, T., Di Falco, S., Berger, T., McClain, W., |
Process-based simulation of regional agricultural supply functions in Southwestern Germany using farm-level and agent-based models. | Proceedings 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists | 2015 | Konferenzbeitrag | Troost, C., Berger, T., |
Adaptation of farm-households to increasing climate variability in Ethiopia: Bioeconomic modeling of innovation diffusion and policy interventions. | Proceedings 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists | 2015 | Konferenzbeitrag | Berger, T., Wossen, T., Troost, C., Latynskiy, E., Tesfaye, K., Gbegbelegbe, S. |
Dealing with Uncertainty in Agent-Based Simulation: Farm-Level Modeling of Adaptation to Climate Change in Southwest Germany.
| American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Troost, C., Berger, T. |
Evaluation of IPM adoption and financial instruments to reduce pesticide use in Thai agriculture using econometrics and agent-based modeling | Proceedings 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists | 2015 | Konferenzbeitrag | Grovermann, C., Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T. |
Land use intensification, commercialization and changes in pest management of smallholder upland agriculture in Thailand | Environmental Science and Policy | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Riwthong, S., Schreinemachers, P., Grovermann, C., Berger, T. |
Climate, energy and environmental policies in agriculture: Simulating likely farmer responses in Southwest Germany. | Land Use Policy | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Troost, C., Walter, T., Berger, T. |
Climate variability, food security and poverty: Agent-based assessment of policy options for farm households in Northern Ghana. | Environmental Science & Policy | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Wossen, T., Berger, T. |
Quantifying the economic importance of irrigation water reuse in a Chilean watershed using an integrated agent-based model. | Water Resources Research | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Arnold, R. T., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
Adoption and development of integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Gil, J., Siebold, M., Berger, T. |
Social capital, risk preference and adoption of improved farm land management practices in Ethiopia. | Agricultural Economics | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Wossen, T., Berger, T., Di Falco, S. |
Ex-ante assessment of soil conservation methods in the uplands of Vietnam: An agent-based modeling approach. | Agricultural Systems | 2014 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Quang, D.V., Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T., |
Climate variability, consumption risk and poverty in semi-arid Northern Ghana: Adaptation options for poor farm households. | Environmental Development | 2014 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Wossen, T., Berger, T., Swamikannu, N., Ramilan, T., |
Agent-based Modelling of Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Options in Agriculture. | Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2014 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Berger, T., Troost, C. |
Assessment of Policies for Low-Carbon Agriculture by means of Multi-Agent Simulation. | Proceedings 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2014 | Konferenzbeitrag | Latynskiy, E., Berger, T., Troost, C. |
Pesticides, external costs and policy options for Thai agriculture. | Environmental Science & Policy | 2013 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Praneetvatakul, S., Schreinemachers, P., Pananurak, P., Tipraqsa, P. |
Quantifying pesticide overuse from farmer and societal points of view: An application to Thailand. | Crop Protection | 2013 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Grovermann, C., Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T. |
Social network effects on the adoption of sustainable natural resource management practices in Ethiopia. | International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology | 2013 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Wossen, T., Berger, T., Mequaninte, T., Alamirew, B. |
Hydropower development in Vietnam: Involuntary resettlement and factors enabling rehabilitation. | Land Use Policy | 2013 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Bui, T. M. H., Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T. |
A software coupling approach to assess low-cost soil conservation strategies for highland agriculture in Vietnam.
| Environmental Modelling & Software | 2013 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Marohn, C., Schreinemachers, P., Quang, D.V., Berger, T., Siripalangkanont, P., Nguyen, T.T., Cadisch, G. |
Can public GAP standards reduce agricultural pesticide use? The case of fruit and vegetable farming in northern Thailand. | Agriculture and Human Values | 2012 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schreinemachers, P., Schad, I., Tipraqsa, P., Williams, P. M., Neef, A., Riwthong, S., ... Grovermann, C. |
Agricultural pesticides and land use intensification in high, middle and low income countries.
| Food Policy | 2012 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schreinemachers, P., Tipraqsa, P. |
An agent-based network approach for understanding, analyzing and supporting rural producer organizations in agriculture. | Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus | 2012 | Konferenzbeitrag | Latynskiy, E., Berger, T. |
Agent-based modeling of agricultural adaptation to climate change in a mountainous area of South West Germany. | Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2012 | Konferenzbeitrag | Troost, C., Calberto, G., Berger, T., Ingwersen, J., Priesack, E., Warrach-Sagi, K., Walter, T. |
The role of synthetic pesticides in the intensification of highland agriculture in Thailand. | Crop Protection | 2011 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schreinemachers, P., Sringarm, S., Sirijinda, A. |
An agent-based simulation model of human environment interactions in agricultural systems. | Environmental Modelling & Software | 2011 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T. |
Agent-based modeling for ex ante assessment of tree crop innovations: litchis in northern Thailand.
| Agricultural Economics | 2010 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schreinemachers, P., Potchanasin, C., Berger, T., Roygrong, S. |
Knowledge-Brokering with Agent-Based Models: Some Experiences from Irrigation-Related Research in Chile. | Proceedings 5th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2010 | Konferenzbeitrag | Berger, T., Schilling, C., Troost, C., Latynskiy, E. |
Irrigation Management in Chile: Integrated Modeling of Access to Water. | Proceedings International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software | 2010 | Konferenzbeitrag | Arnold, T., Uribe, H., Troost, C., Berger, T. |
Agricultural commercialization of Karen Hill tribes in northern Thailand. | Agricultural Economics | 2009 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Tipraqsa, P., Schreinemachers, P. |
The diffusion of green-house agriculture in northern Thailand: Combining econometrics and agent-based modeling. | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2009 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T., Sirijinda, A., Praneetvatakul, S. |
Simulating soil fertility and poverty dynamics in Uganda: A bio-economic multi-agent systems approach. | Ecological Economics | 2007 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T., Aune, J. B. |
Capturing the Complexity of Water Uses and Water Users within a Multi-Agent Framework.
| Water Resources Management | 2007 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Berger, T., Birner, R., Díaz, J., McCarthy, N., Wittmer, H. |
Comparison of empirical methods for building agent-based models in land use science. | Journal of Land Use Science | 2007 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Robinson, D.T., Brown, D.G., Parker, D.C., Schreinemachers, P., Janssen, M., Huigen, M., Wittmer, H., Gotts, N., Promburom, P., Irwin, E., Berger, T., Gatzweiler, F., Barnaud, C. |
Land-use decisions in developing countries and their representation in multi-agent systems. | Journal of Land Use Science | 2006 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T. |
Creating agents and landscapes for multi agent systems from random samples. | Ecology and Society | 2006 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Berger, T., Schreinemachers, P. |
Multi-agent simulation for the targeting of development policies in less-favored areas. | Agricultural Systems | 2006 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Berger, T., Schreinemachers, P., Woelcke, J. |
Agent-based models applied to agriculture: a simulation tool for technology diffusion, resource use changes and policy analysis. | Agricultural Economics | 2001 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Berger, T. |