Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger

Head of the Department of Land Use Economics (490d)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger is chair of land-use economics at the Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute, Hohenheim University. His research addresses various aspects of human-environment interactions in the areas of land use, water resources, and renewable energies, such as farmer adaptation to climate variability, integrated irrigation management, carbon farming, and digital agriculture. His 2001 paper introducing agent-based simulation the most cited paper in the field of 'Agent-Based Models in Agriculture' (Scopus) and the second most cited agent-based modeling article in the ‘Economics’ category (Web of Science).

Prof. Berger has ample experience in leading large, interdisciplinary research projects funded by DFG, BMBF, and BMZ. He was also co-leader and PI of the international project 'Integrating Governance & Modeling' within the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. In his most recent project together with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence he conducts research into connecting simulation modeling and machine learning.


  • Land Use Economics (490d) [Professor holding a chair]
  • Computational Science Hub (CSH) [Speaker of Working Group]
  • High-Performance Computing [President’s Delegate]
  • Hohenheim Tropen [Member]

Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger

+49 711 459 24116
Wollgrasweg 43, room 235
70599 Stuttgart

Consultation Hours

Wednesday from 12:00-13:00, please request an appointment by e-mail.







The effect of climate change on the insecticide reduction goal in Southern Germany using the example of the pollen beetle Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection Rasche, L., Troost, C., Berger, T.

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)

Hybrid intelligence for reconciling biodiversity and productivity in agriculture Nature FoodBerger, T., Gimpel, H., Stein, A., Troost, C., Asseng, S., Bichler, M., Bieling, C., Birner, R., Grass, I., Kollmann, J., Leonhardt, S. D., Schurr, F. M., Weisser, W.

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


The financial value of seasonal forecast-based cultivar choice: Assessing the evidence in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia

Climate Risk Management


Samuel Elias Kayamo, Christian Troost, Habtamu Yismaw, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


The road to integrate climate change projections with regional land-use-biodiversity models. People and Nature Juliano Sarmento Cabral, Juliano Sarmento Cabral, ..., Thomas Berger, ....

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


How to keep it adequate

Environmental Modelling & Software


Christian Troost, Robert Huber, Andrew Reid Bell, Hedwig van Delden, Tatiana Filatova, Quang Bao Le, Melvin Lippe, Leila Niamir, J. Gareth Polhill, Zhanli Sun, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Coupled biophysical and decision-making processes in grassland systems in East African savannahs – A modelling framework

Ecological Modelling


Carsten Marohn, Christian Troost, Benjamin Warth, Christian Bateki, Mink Zijlstra, Faizan Anwar, Benjamin Williams, Katrien Descheemaeker, Thomas Berger, Folkard Asch, Uta Dickhoefer, Regina Birner, Georg Cadisch

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Boosting the scalability of farm-level models

Computational Economics


Christian Troost, Julia Parussis-Krech, Matias Mejaíl, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Noah-MP with the generic crop growth model Gecros in the WRF model

Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere


K. Warrach-Sagi, J. Ingwersen, T. Schwitalla, C. Troost, J. Aurbacher, L. Jach, Thomas Berger, T. Streck, V. Wulfmeyer

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Multi-site, multi-crop measurements in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum

Earth System Science Data


Tobias K. D. Weber, Joachim Ingwersen, Petra Högy, Arne Poyda, Hans-Dieter Wizemann, Michael Scott Demyan, Kristina Bohm, Ravshan Eshonkulov, Sebastian Gayler, Pascal Kremer, Moritz Laub, Yvonne Funkiun Nkwain, Christian Troost, Irene Witte, Tim Reichenau, Thomas Berger, Georg Cadisch, Torsten Müller, Andreas Fangmeier, Volker Wulfmeyer, Thilo Streck

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


How eco-efficient are crop farms in the Southern Amazon region?

Science of The Total Environment


Marcelo Carauta, Christian Grovermann, Anja Heidenreich, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Bridging the gap between models and users: a lightweight mobile interface for optimized farming decisions in interactive modeling sessions

Agricultural Systems


Johannes Mössinger, Christian Troost, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Climate-related land use policies in Brazil

Land Use Policy


Marcelo Carauta, Christian Troost, Ivan Guzman-Bustamante, Anna Hampf, Affonso Libera, Katharina Meurer, Eric Bönecke, Uwe Franko, Renato de Aragão Ribeiro Rodrigues, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


How Bayesian are farmers when making climate adaptation decisions?

Journal of Agricultural Economics


Marius Eisele, Christian Troost, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


No more double cropping in Mato Grosso, Brazil?

Agricultural Systems


Marcelo Carauta, Julia Parussis, Anna Hampf, A. Libera, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Representation of decision-making in European agricultural agent-based models.

Agricultural Systems


Robert Huber, Martha Bakker, Alfons Balmann, Thomas Berger, Mike Bithell, Calum Brown, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Hang Xiong, Quang Bao Le, Gabriele Mack, Patrick Meyfroidt, James Millington, Birgit Müller, J. Gareth Polhill, Zhanli Sun, Roman Seidl, Christian Troost, Robert Finger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


The biophysical and socio-economic dimension of yield gaps in the southern Amazon – A bio-economic modelling approach

Agricultural Systems


A. Hampf, M. Carauta, E. Latynskiy, A. A. D. Libera, L. Monteiro, P. Sentelhas, C. Troost, T. Berger, C. Nendel

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


A model-based assessment of the environmental impact of land-use change across scales in Southern Amazonia

Regional Environmental Change


Rüdiger Schaldach, Katharina Meurer, Hermann F. Jungkunst, Claas Nendel, Tobia Lakes, Florian Gollnow, Jan Göpel, Jens Boy, Georg Guggenberger, Robert Strey, Simone Strey, Thomas Berger, Gerhard Gerold, Regine Schönenberg, Jürgen Böhner, Marcus Schindewolf, Evgeny Latynskiy, Anna Hampf, Phillip S. Parker, Paulo César Sentelhas

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Impacts of climate variability and food price volatility on household income and food security of farm households in East and West Africa

Agricultural Systems


T. Wossen, T. Berger, M. Haile, C. Troost

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Can preferential credit programs speed up the adoption of low-carbon agricultural systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil? Results from bioeconomic microsimulation

Regional Environmental Change


M. Carauta, E. Latynskiy, J. Mössinger, J. Gil, A. A. D. Libera, A. Hampf, L. Monteiro, M. Siebold, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Can smallholder farmers adapt to climate variability, and how effective are policy interventions? Agent-based simulation results for Ethiopia

Agricultural Economics


T. Berger, C. Troost, T. Wossen, E. Latynskiy, K. Tesfaye, S. Gbegbelegbe

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Assessing the Income Effects of Group Certification for Smallholder Coffee Farmers

Journal of Agricultural Economics


E. Latynskiy, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Agricultural commercialization: Risk perceptions, risk management and the role of pesticides in Thailand

Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences


S. Riwthong, P. Schreinemachers, C. Grovermann, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


‘Smart’ policies to reduce pesticide use and avoid income trade-offs: An agent-based model applied to Thai agriculture

Ecological Economics


C. Grovermann, P. Schreinemachers, S. Riwthong, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


On-Farm Trade-Offs for optimal agricultural practices in Mato Grosso, Brasil

Revista de Economia e Agronegócio


M. Carauta, Dalla Libera, A. Hampf, R. F. F. Chen, J. M. da Silveira, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Determinants of crop-livestock integration in Brazil: Evidence from the household and regional levels

Land Use Policy


J. D. B. Gil, R. Garrett, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


You are not alone: social capital and risk exposure in rural Ethiopia

Food Security


T. Wossen, Di Falco, Thomas Berger, W. McClain

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Patterns and processes of pasture to crop conversion in Brazil: Evidence from Mato Grosso State

Land Use Policy


A. S. Cohn, J. Gil, T. Berger, H. Pellegrina, C. Toledo

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Networks of rural producer organizations in Uganda

World Development


E. Latynskiy, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Non-hazardous pesticide concentrations in surface waters: An integrated approach simulating application thresholds and resulting farm income effects

Journal of Environmental Management


M. A. Bannwarth, C. Grovermann, J. Ingwersen, M. Lamers, T. Berger, T. Streck

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Dealing with uncertainty in agent-based simulation: Farm-level modeling of adaptation to climate change in Southwest Germany

American Journal of Agricultural Economics


C. Troost, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Climate, energy and environmental policies in agriculture: Simulating likely farmer responses in Southwest Germany.

Land Use Policy


C. Troost, T. Walter, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Quantifying the economic importance of irrigation water reuse in a Chilean watershed using an integrated agent-based model

Water Resources Research


R. T. Arnold, C. Troost, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Climate variability, food security and poverty

Environmental Science & Policy


T. Wossen, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Adoption and development of integrated crop–livestock–forestry systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment


J. Gil, M. Siebold, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Land use intensification, commercialization and changes in pest management of smallholder upland agriculture in Thailand

Environmental Science and Policy


S. Riwthong, P. Schreinemachers, C. Grovermann, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Social capital, risk preference and adoption of improved farm land management practices in Ethiopia

Agricultural Economics


T. Wossen, T. Berger, S. Di Falco

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Climate variability, consumption risk and poverty in semi-arid Northern Ghana

Environmental Development


T. Wossen, T. Berger, N. Swamikannuh, T. Ramilan

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Agent-based Modelling of Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Options in Agriculture

Journal of Agricultural Economics


T. Berger, C. Troost

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Ex-ante assessment of soil conservation methods in the uplands of Vietnam

Agricultural Systems


D. V. Quang, P. Schreinemachers, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Social network effects on the adoption of sustainable natural resource management practices in Ethiopia

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology


T. Wossen, T. Berger, T. Mequaninte, B. Alamirew

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Quantifying pesticide overuse from farmer and societal points of view: An application to Thailand

Crop Protection


Christian Grovermann, Pepijn Schreinemachers, Thomas Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Carbon farming in hot, dry coastal areas: an option for climae chang mitigation. Earth System Dynamics Becker, K., Wulfmeyer, W., Berger, T., Gebel, J., Münch, W.

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Hydropower development in Vietnam: Involuntary resettlement and factors enabling rehabilitation

Land Use Policy


T. M. H. Bui, P. Schreinemachers, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


A software coupling approach to assess low-cost soil conservation strategies for highland agriculture in Vietnam

Environmental Modelling & Software


C. Marohn, P. Schreinemachers, D. V. Quang, T. Berger, P. Siripalangkanont, T. T. Nguyen, G. Cadisch

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


An agent-based simulation model of human-environment interactions in agricultural systems

Environmental Modelling & Software


P. Schreinemachers, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Agent-based modeling for ex ante assessment of tree crop innovations

Agricultural Economics


P. Schreinemachers, C. Potchanasin, T. Berger, S. Roygrong

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


The diffusion of green-house agriculture in northern Thailand: Combining econometrics and agent-based modeling.

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics


P. Schreinemachers, T. Berger, A. Sirijinda, S. Praneetvatakul

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


An overview of computational modeling in agricultural and resource economics

Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics


J. Nolan, D. Parker, G. C. Van Kooten, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Modificación del modelo WaSiM-ETH para mejorar su aplicación en áreas regadas

Ingeniería Hidráulica en México


H. Uribe, T. Arnold, J. Arumí, T. Berger, D. Rivera

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


The Agricultural Technology-Market Linkage Under Liberalisation in Ghana: Evidence from Micro Data Journal of African Economies Yilma, T., Berg, E., Berger, T.

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Simulating soil fertility and poverty dynamics in Uganda: A bio-economic multi-agent systems approach.

Ecological Economics


P. Schreinemachers, T. Berger, J. B. Aune

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Capturing the Complexity of Water Uses and Water Users within a Multi-agent Framework

Water Resources Management


T. Berger, R. Birner, J. Díaz, N. McCarthy, H. Wittmer

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Comparison of Empirical Methods for Building Agent-Based Models in Land Use Science

Journal of Land Use Science


D. T. Robinson, D. G. Brown, D. C. Parker, P. Schreinemachers, M. A. Janssen, M. Huigen, H. Wittmer, N. Gotts, P. Promburom, E. Irwin, T. Berger, F. Gatzweiler, C. Barnaud

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Creating Agents and Landscapes for Multiagent Systems from Random Samples

Ecology and Society


T. Berger, P. Schreinemachers

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Land-Use Decisions in Developing Countries and their Representation in Multi-Agent Systems

Journal of Land Use Science


P. Schreinemachers, T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Multi-agent simulation for the targeting of development policies in less-favored areas.

Agricultural Systems


T. Berger, P. Schreinemachers, J. Woelcke

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Agentenbasierte Modellierung von Landnutzungsdynamiken und Optionen der Agrar- und Agrarumweltpolitik. Agrarwirtschaft Berger, T.

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Tradeoffs, efficiency gains and technical change - Modeling water management and land use within a multiple-agent framework

Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture


T. Berger, C. Ringler

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Water security in the Ghanaian Volta Basin: patterns, determinants, and consequences.

Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

Asante, F. A., Berger, T., Engel, S., Iskandarani, M.

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)


Agent-based spatial models applied to agriculture: A simulation tool for technology diffusion, resource use changes and policy analysis

Agricultural Economics


T. Berger

Journal contribution (peer reviewed)



Thomas Berger was awarded €150.000 within the Gips-Schüle program for Funding Excellence (2020). He received the Henry Schapper Fellowship of the University of Western Australia in Perth (2005) and the Best Dissertation Award of the German Association for Informatics in Agriculture, Forestry and Nutrition (2000).